This one here is their first album.
Great energy in their music, which reminds me of The Ex.
This was a promo album that contained a promo card(in the picture)

The band has a very cool website, check it out Here
A1 Code Het Alfabet
A2 Vlijt
A3 Staal Op Staal
A4 Nat & Stinkend Stroo
A5 Blind
A6 Sokke Met Gaten
B1 Dwars
B2 Ademnood
B3 Bokke Ze Neer
B4 Adrenaline Overdosis
B5 (Hartstikke) Gek
B6 De Passie VD Slager
B7 (Hou Je) Oren (Open)
Code Het Alfabet
Ripped from vinyl at 320 kbps