Alice Donut is a rock and roll band from New York City. Formed in 1986, disbanded in 1996, and re-formed in 2001, the band toured vigorously and broke up after their 1000th live performance. Between 1987 and 1996, Alice Donut released seven full-length albums and around 15 EPs, singles, and other releases on Jello Biafra's Alternative Tentacles label and various other labels.
Gli Alice Donut sono uno dei gruppi piu' dotti e imprevedibili del nuovo hardcore di New York. Tom Antona, cantante e leader, li formo' con due compagni di scuola alla Columbia University, Ted Hutton e Dave Giffin. Gli Alice Donut nacquero come la risposta di New York ai Redd Kross: un tributo melodico alla sotto-cultura del junk.
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